
Note: This support page is for our downloaded products. If we are performing property analysis for you, Contact Us!

How to Use Our Products:

1. After signing up for your Free Trial or purchasing a product, go to the Products menu to download your product. Also copy the license key shown.

2. Open the file you downloaded and enter your license key from the previous step.

3. Your downloaded file is your master copy. Use the Save As button in the AIPNow toolbar to create a new copy for your first property analysis.

4. Press Clear All in the AIP toolbar. This will take about one minute.

5. Enter data in the cells on the two blue tabs. For help, mouse over the red help triangles or click the Help button in the AIP toolbar.

6. After entering all data, go to the Executive Summary tab to see the analysis of your property! Follow directions if alerted.

7. On the blue Inputs and Assumptions tab, add photo(s) of the property if you wish.

8. Use the Print button in the AIP toolbar to print a copy of the analysis for presentation to an investor or lender! You can also change your printer to Microsoft Print to PDF to print to a PDF file and email the presentation.

Enjoy analyzing your properties! If you need help, Contact Us!